Better Tennis Today Can Come Only One Way

How To Become a Better Tennis Player

Show up.  Today.  Play better tennis, today.

Today is the day we show up.

We can’t wait for tomorrow, for it will never come.  Not before today ends.  It just won’t.

So today, we show up.

We play our match TODAY.  And practice TODAY.  We can take a tennis lesson, TODAY.

This is how we become a better tennis player today, this is how we improve.  We will take our chances that today will make us better than tomorrow will, as tomorrow will always be tomorrow and today is the only day that you can make happen.

So today, we play.

We play for the chance to play.  We might play for fun, or play to win, or play for exercise, for the body or soul, or both, but we play.

Without today, we cannot play tomorrow, so today we play for our opportunities, play for the privilege to play.  We will not take this lightly, we shall be grateful for our turn, and we will show our gratitude by playing.

With today as a building block, with today as our boost, we will get better today, and that will make us better tomorrow.  We will get better today, and that will make us better forever.

So today we play.  Today we are lucky.  Today we are thankful.

Because today, today we played.

Get out there and find some courts and someone to play with.  Today is your day.

Use your excitement and enthusiasm for the moment take you to the courts today.  Get your racket, some balls, and all of your gear.  Today, focus, and go out and play.