How to Find a Tennis Partner

Anyone, Tennis?

Knowing where to play is important, but using those locations will also help you to find a tennis partner.  I mean, a wall is one thing, but before you know it, losing against the wall all the time (and yes, you will always lose to the wall), is just no fun!  So, how do you find a tennis partner?

First, we must know someone who likes to play tennis.  If not, we need to know where to go to find that someone.  There are old school ways, like going to the courts, and newer ways, like using the internet.  Whichever way you choose is up to you, but there are certainly no limit to our options.

Go to a Tennis or Country Club

Well, let’s start by hitting the clubs.  It can be just as easy as going to the front desk and asking if anyone is around that would like a match.  Usually the staff, especially the seasoned ones, will know of certain club members that are always looking for a match.

The benefit of this option is you can find a person who matches your level of play.  The contact is usually done through the front desk person, as to avoid giving out personal information unless previously being given permission.

Many people choose to leave their phone number on a bulletin board for others to contact them, so you can start by looking there.  Subsequently, leaving your contact information will lead to good connections for future matches.

People Hydrating

Tennis Lessons, of Course

A great chance to meet players with a similar playing level is in a group lesson.  Most Tennis Pros (tennis teachers certified through the USTPA or PTR) will offer both private and group lessons.  The Pro will ensure you are in a group with similar abilities, as to not overwhelm or underwhelm you.

Group lessons are great for cost as well, as it is lower than that of a private lesson.  You can also use other players as a reference for where you are with your game and where you need to go.

A League of Extraordinary Tennis Players

Joining a league, generally sponsored by the USTA, is not only a great way to meet other players but an excellent opportunity to keep competition in your life.  The competition will push you to improve your tennis game, which may lead to a desire to want to play even more tennis.

Be careful with this method, as it may become a bit too much fun.  It may get addicting.  It may become like a disease, spiraling out of control until every day you find yourself looking for the next match, lesson, hitting partner, wall, anything to get that tennis itch scratched!  You have been warned.

But, it’s worth it.  Keep the competitive spirit in you up, and reap the benefits like health and confidence.  Make sure that spirit is in fun, with a positive attitude that doesn’t mind taking a loss once in a while.  While losing sucks, it is the single greatest opportunity to learn, and that should not be overlooked.

Tennis Socializing

Facebook.  Were You Expecting MySpace?

Yeah, Facebook is everywhere.  Sometimes a little too ‘everywhere’.  But it can be a great tool for many things, especially finding a tennis partner.  There are tennis groups everywhere to be found, in any city, dedicated to solely interacting with other local tennis players.  Many times, it’s only finding someone to play that people are interested in.

App(ly) Yourself

There are many, many apps dedicated to helping tennis players find each other.  Consider the ones with a longer track record of existence, with great reviews, for your best luck here.

The Good ‘Ol World Wide Web

The amount of websites dedicated to helping find tennis partners surpasses the amount of words in this article by many multiples.  So, a small few of them are as follows:,,, and  These four are reputable and large, offering a good variety of players willing to take on a match.

As always, when connecting with someone you don’t know, use care and caution.  Never meet anywhere but the courts themselves.  Make sure someone else knows where you are and who you’re playing with.  And use awareness and common sense at all times.

Tennis Players

Hit the Courts

Maybe it’s worth just heading to the closest park and seeing if anyone around might be interested in taking up a match.  If nothing else, you can chat with like minded tennis folks who enjoy this wonderful game we get to play.  This has always been a great option at popular courts to find a great tennis partner.

Get out there, whoever you are playing with (yes, even a wall), and enjoy!