How to Become a Tennis Baseliner

Open Stance

Training with focus and strategy will help you be a better tennis baseliner.  The advantages being a baseline tennis player gives you are an ability to control the point from an offensive or defensive position.  You are rarely out of a point when consistently approaching the game with this style. Positioning, footwork, and an ability … Read more

Footwork is Essential in Tennis

Why Footwork Is Important In Tennis Footwork is the foundation of tennis that will move your game to the next level.  How important is footwork?  Forehands, backhands, serves, volleys, and any shot found in between are all important parts of one’s tennis game.  Proper footwork will get you into the position you need to execute … Read more

The 4 Styles of Tennis Players

These Are The Four Styles of Tennis There are 4 main styles of tennis getting played on courts all around the world everyday.  The styles are serve and volley, baseline, counterpunch, and all around.  Each style has variations and spin offs that may or may not incorporate some of the other styles, but by and … Read more

What Grip Do I Use To Hold A Tennis Racket?

We begin by reminding ourselves to Get a Grip on our Tennis Racket! The wonderful game of tennis contains many facets: the court, rules, competition, athletic engagement, skill, and the all important sportsmanship. Each of these are integral parts to every match. Today we talk about the first skill one must possess-the grip! Tennis Grip … Read more