Footwork is Essential in Tennis

Why Footwork Is Important In Tennis

Footwork is the foundation of tennis that will move your game to the next level.  How important is footwork?  Forehands, backhands, serves, volleys, and any shot found in between are all important parts of one’s tennis game.  Proper footwork will get you into the position you need to execute those shots to their potential.

Get Footloose

We’ve got to keep those feet flexible!  You need to be able to move from one position to the next, in a split second deciding where to go and how to get there.  Keeping your feet in a proper waiting position is critical to this.  If you tell your feet where to go before you are absolutely sure, then you are taking a very big risk that you will head the wrong direction.  Keep your toes pointed toward your opponent, along with your shoulders.  This will allow your body the equal opportunity of going left, right, forward or backward without having to backtrack from a poor decision already made.

Criss Cross Applesauce

How do you start going to where you need to be once you’ve decided where to go?  Wherever you are headed, lead with the foot that is closest to the spot you want to be.  This will keep your feet from getting crossed up, which is a big no no in tennis.  You will be able to keep the rest of your body in full control.  This will allow you to decide the next shot with effectiveness and purpose.  When you begin by crossing your feet, you automatically slow yourself down and put yourself out of balance.  So, avoid getting crossed up!

Be On The Ball

To get that quick first step stay on the balls of your feet when getting ready to move.  Being able to ‘dance’ your way to position keeps the game in a flow that will remain under your control.  Bounce softly as you’re waiting for the next shot.  This is what your feet does in the ready position.

The Position to Win

The best position to be in to win is the one that gives you the most balance possible for your shot.  That’s why keeping flexible feet, not crossing your feet, and staying on the balls of your feet will give you that chance to unleash the best shots you can.